Why you need to archive your corporate history now!

Take a look at your history to chart your future better.

Nostalgia is a wonderful emotion. It can evoke happy memories and remind us of simpler times, but it also has the power to inspire and motivate. Think about the old photographs of APJ Abdul Kalam carrying India’s first rocket on a bicycle or the video clip of Jawaharlal Nehru's iconic 'Tryst with Destiny' speech at the dawn of India's independence.

If these visuals hadn't been preserved, future generations wouldn't grasp the monumental efforts behind these achievements or understand how far we have come today. There would be very little to inspire the youth to aim higher and do better.

The same is true for organisations. As companies grow and evolve, preserving their history becomes crucial. The stories of their humble beginnings, the challenges they overcame, and the milestones they achieved serve as a source of inspiration and pride for employees and stakeholders alike.

Imagine the first office space, perhaps just a small room with a handful of passionate individuals, or the early products that set the foundation for future innovations. These memories remind everyone of the journey and the hard work that built the company. They foster a sense of belonging and continuity, connecting the past with the present.

Check out the Tata Central Archives website built by TIC. The site offers a glimpse into the archives, featuring historic documents, letters, photographs, memorabilia, press clippings, and AV recordings of the Tata group. The multimedia content, combined with the website's clear language, tone, and seamless user experience, creates a compelling and immersive way for users to connect with the rich history and legacy of the Tata group. Visit: tatacentralarchives.com

How proud is your Pride!? How proud is your Pride!?

Here are 5 reasons why you should archive your past

To preserve history and legacy

To maintain a record of the organisation’s evolution, achievements, and milestones. It is to celebrate people, the visionaries, the risk takers and the relentless pursuit of excellence that propels the company forward. It helps in creating a legacy that future generations can learn from and be motivated by. It also helps preserve the brand’s essence.

To enhance organisation’s public relations

The archive can be a powerful tool for enhancing the organisation’s public image. By showcasing historical achievements, milestones, and the evolution of products and services, the organisation can build a narrative of growth, resilience, and success. This narrative can be shared through various media channels, strengthening the brand's reputation and credibility and foster a sense of trust and loyalty among customers.

To ensure legal compliance

Maintaining an archive ensures that the organisation complies with legal requirements regarding record-keeping. Various laws and regulations mandate the retention of specific documents for defined periods. An organised archive helps in meeting these obligations efficiently, reducing the risk of legal penalties and ensuring transparency. Additionally, in the event of audits, litigation, or investigations, having a well-maintained archive facilitates swift and accurate retrieval of necessary records, safeguarding the organisation’s legal interests.

To create a resource for research

The archive serves as an invaluable resource for both internal and external researchers. Internally, employees can gain insights into the organisation's past projects, strategies, and outcomes, helping them make informed decisions and avoid past mistakes. Externally, scholars, historians, and industry analysts can study the organisation's impact and development over time, contributing to academic research and industry knowledge.

To build and strengthen company culture

Archives play a crucial role in shaping and strengthening the organisational culture. By documenting and sharing the company’s history, values, and traditions, employees gain a deeper understanding of the organisation's identity and mission. This shared knowledge fosters a sense of belonging and pride among employees, encouraging them to uphold and carry forward the organisational values.

What you should preserve

  • Historical documents such as incorporation certificates, mission statements, licenses, permits, advertisements and press releases.
  • Major milestones and leadership profiles
  • Artifacts & memorabilia
  • Oral history & anecdotes
  • Employee voices
  • Pictures, videos, handwritten notes or letters

Where to begin

Setting up a corporate archive is no easy feat. A physical archive requires specific infrastructure to preserve documents and memorabilia, as well as an archivist to manage and organise it. However, you can start by curating content. The first step is always to identify the goal behind setting up the archive.

To curate content, set up a central team that will help you gather information from various sources. The team can then digitize the content and identify channels through which the content can be distributed and popularised to achieve the goal.

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